Keystone Grommet

Crawling under the desk in order to access the varied wired ports is an everyday task for many but with the Keystone Grommet, this tough job is close to become super easy. 

Gadget Flow
1 min readMay 16, 2014

Ideal for those who love a clutter free work area, this is an affordable way by which you can install HDMI/USB/Cat6/audio & many other ports on the surface of Desks & Office Furniture. It fits a standard 2.5 inch hole that provides dual slots for your cables to operate. No clutter or a desk full of messed up cables, your workdesk or the boardroom table will now look way more elegant than before with a neat surface. It’s time to enjoy the reliable world of cable solutions but without facing any kind of mess. .



Gadget Flow
Gadget Flow

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